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Jean was a very talented writer and, despite what her old age would imply, had an excellent memory of the magical stories that made up her life. She had begun to write her memoirs, documenting the fascinating travels and adventures she took in her 91 (almost 92!) years on this planet. She was passionate about writing down her stories because she knew they had the potential to excite, inspire, amuse and bewilder her friends, family and fans. 

I, her granddaughter, Cicely Belle Blain, helped her to continue writing as she dictated stories to me. Too bad for her, she never got the chance to tell me which ones were suitable for public viewing and which were less... savoury. The stories are unedited (as you can see by the emphatic and very Jean-esque overuse of exclamation marks - can you believe she was a typist?) save for some spelling and grammar. She was never really one for self-editing, anyway. Unfiltered is best, she believed.

I hope to continue sharing her stories here for those who miss her and want to dive back into her world. I'm sure there are some tales that left with her because she was humble and never quite understood my fascination with her life. But there are enough stories she has written, or I and others have committed to memory, to build a picture almost as vibrant as the real thing.

Bear with me though, because along with a love for blue cheese, Shirley Bassey and gin, she most certainly passed on her inattentiveness and procrastination skills to me. 

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